@section('javascript_common') var pagerOptions = { // target the pager markup - see the HTML block below container: $(".pager"), // use this url format "http:/mydatabase.com?page={page}&size={size}&{sortList:col}" ajaxUrl: null, // modify the url after all processing has been applied customAjaxUrl: function(table, url) { return url; }, // process ajax so that the data object is returned along with the total number of rows // example: { "data" : [{ "ID": 1, "Name": "Foo", "Last": "Bar" }], "total_rows" : 100 } ajaxProcessing: function(ajax){ if (ajax && ajax.hasOwnProperty('data')) { // return [ "data", "total_rows" ]; return [ ajax.total_rows, ajax.data ]; } }, // output string - default is '{page}/{totalPages}' // possible variables: {page}, {totalPages}, {filteredPages}, {startRow}, {endRow}, {filteredRows} and {totalRows} output: '{startRow} to {endRow} ({totalRows})', // apply disabled classname to the pager arrows when the rows at either extreme is visible - default is true updateArrows: true, // starting page of the pager (zero based index) page: 0, // Number of visible rows - default is 10 size: 20, // Save pager page & size if the storage script is loaded (requires $.tablesorter.storage in jquery.tablesorter.widgets.js) savePages : true, // if true, the table will remain the same height no matter how many records are displayed. The space is made up by an empty // table row set to a height to compensate; default is false fixedHeight: true, // remove rows from the table to speed up the sort of large tables. // setting this to false, only hides the non-visible rows; needed if you plan to add/remove rows with the pager enabled. removeRows: false, // css class names of pager arrows cssNext: '.next', // next page arrow cssPrev: '.prev', // previous page arrow cssFirst: '.first', // go to first page arrow cssLast: '.last', // go to last page arrow cssGoto: '.gotoPage', // select dropdown to allow choosing a page cssPageDisplay: '.pagedisplay', // location of where the "output" is displayed cssPageSize: '.pagesize', // page size selector - select dropdown that sets the "size" option // class added to arrows when at the extremes (i.e. prev/first arrows are "disabled" when on the first page) cssDisabled: 'disabled', // Note there is no period "." in front of this class name cssErrorRow: 'tablesorter-errorRow' // ajax error information row }; $.extend($.bootstrap, { // these classes are added to the table. To see other table classes available, // look here: http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/base-css.html#tables table : 'table table-bordered', caption : 'caption', header : 'bootstrap-header', // give the header a gradient background footerRow : '', footerCells: '', icons : '', // add "icon-white" to make them white; this icon class is added to the in the header sortNone : 'bootstrap-icon-unsorted', sortAsc : 'icon-chevron-up glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-up', // includes classes for Bootstrap v2 & v3 sortDesc : 'icon-chevron-down glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down', // includes classes for Bootstrap v2 & v3 active : '', // applied when column is sorted hover : '', // use custom css here - bootstrap class may not override it filterRow : '', // filter row class even : '', // odd row zebra striping odd : '' // even row zebra striping }); $('#tableEUSP').tablesorter({ // this will apply the bootstrap theme if "uitheme" widget is included // the widgetOptions.uitheme is no longer required to be set theme : "bootstrap", widthFixed: true, headers: {7: {sorter: false, filter: false}}, // escludo la quarta colonna dal sorting headerTemplate : '{content} {icon}', // new in v2.7. Needed to add the bootstrap icon! // widget code contained in the jquery.tablesorter.widgets.js file // use the zebra stripe widget if you plan on hiding any rows (filter widget) widgets : [ "uitheme", "filter", "zebra" ], widgetOptions : { // using the default zebra striping class name, so it actually isn't included in the theme variable above // this is ONLY needed for bootstrap theming if you are using the filter widget, because rows are hidden zebra : ["even", "odd"], // reset filters button filter_reset : ".reset" // set the uitheme widget to use the bootstrap theme class names // this is no longer required, if theme is set // ,uitheme : "bootstrap" } }) .tablesorterPager({ // target the pager markup - see the HTML block below container: $(".ts-pager"), // target the pager page select dropdown - choose a page cssGoto : ".pagenum", // remove rows from the table to speed up the sort of large tables. // setting this to false, only hides the non-visible rows; needed if you plan to add/remove rows with the pager enabled. removeRows: false, // output string - default is '{page}/{totalPages}'; // possible variables: {page}, {totalPages}, {filteredPages}, {startRow}, {endRow}, {filteredRows} and {totalRows} output: '{startRow} - {endRow} / {filteredRows} ({totalRows})' }); $('input[id=url_risorsa]').change(function() { $('#pdffile').val($(this).val()); }); $('#clbtn').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if (confirm(' **** ATTENZIONE ****\n\nProcedere con la cancellazione delle liberatorie?\n\nL\'operazione non può essere annullata!\n\n')) window.location.href="/area_riservata/cancellaliberatoria/{{$tccid}}"; else return false; }); @stop